Home > Learn and perfect a language > Learning Italian with CERAN
Learning foreign languages is known to reduce anxiety, increase tolerance and enhance creativity.
It provides an opportunity to develop patience and perseverance. It also opens our minds, encouraging a new vision, a new way of doing things and thinking about the world around us.
When you immerse yourself in different cultures, you feel more comfortable moving forward in the world. Communication becomes easy. The more languages we learn, the easier it is to learn more languages. Bilingual brains are known to be less easily distracted, which helps you develop a certain fluency when you are in an unfamiliar situation.
CERAN focuses on the spoken language in language learning.
It is well known that using the spoken language is essential when learning languages. Therefore, CERAN Trainees must know the mechanisms of oral communication and, at the same time, be mindful of the systematic use of the written language for learning the spoken form of the target language.
The language trainer remains aware of the importance of the written message for some Participants.
So the spoken and written language are always present. However, emphasis is more on one or the other form of the language depending on the needs expressed by the Learner and the activities they are given.
“Dear Tamryn, It has been a real pleasure for me to work with you in my development of the English language. You are the teacher that every student wants to have. You have been patient and understanding about my low level of English and these are essential qualities. I am trying to get extra lesson hours and I wish that you will be my teacher. I hope there are not a lot of mistakes in my feedback. A big thank you for everything you taught me. Take care.”
Find your profile
Are you aiming to:
- Develop a new project in a foreign country?
- Prepare for living and working in a new country?
- Speak more effectively in English with your peers?
Our Executive training courses are specifically for professionals and the entire CERAN training team are there to support you with learning Italian.
Young adult
Our Young Adult training courses aim to prepare you for higher education or an exam, for an internship abroad or for an initial job interview.
Our Junior training courses for 7-17 year olds aim to develop communication, reinforce knowledge learned at school or prepare them for settling into a new country.
Language tests and exams
Besides our training programmes, we are authorised to conduct language certification tests, such as TOEIC, Bright and Linguaskills
Find funding that suits you
You can use financial aid to lower the training costs.
Find the financial aid available in your country
Why learn Italian?
Deuxième langue la plus parlée de l'Union européenne après l'allemand, l'italien s'impose de plus en plus dans le monde d’aujourd’hui. Cela fait plusieurs années que l’Italie devient une destination de plus en plus prisée, d’une part par la beauté de ses paysages et d’autre part par la culture italienne qui est l'un des berceaux de la civilisation européenne moderne. Le pays regorge de nombreux trésors architecturaux, artistiques et naturels à découvrir. En effet, avec plus de 50 sites classés au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, l’Italie se classe indéniablement comme étant le pays en détenant le plus grand nombre au monde. Partez à découverte de la cuisine locale, découvrez la culture chantante et le patrimoine historique en visitant le Colisée, la Tour de Pise, etc. D’un point de vue professionnel, l’italien est un excellent choix de langue si on souhaite travailler en Italie et ainsi se démarquer et augmenter ses chances de trouver un travail. L’économie italienne est puissante et diversifiée : industrie, tourisme, luxe, agriculture, automobile et bien d’autres. Parler italien pourrait donc être un réel avantage pour vous si vous souhaitez travailler ou travaillez déjà au sein de l’un de ces secteurs. Enormément de produits proviennent d’Italie.
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