Expatriation and returns

Expatriation or returning from expatriation, is an important milestone in your professional life, a major step which calls for an expatriation course and/or a return from expatriation course. Our expatriation course prepares you for your host country, its habits and customs, and relationships in the workplace and in everyday life, while the return from expatriation course prepares you for your return to your home country and the reverse culture shock you’ll experience. Your expatriation experience will have changed you and you’ll need help to readjust to your own country. So our courses enable you to develop the cultural skills you’ll need for your host country, learn to identify the fundamental values of the host country and understand how your home country has changed during your absence and how to settle back into life there. Furthermore, our expatriation and return from expatriation courses come with the CERAN guarantee” complete satisfaction or a repeat course free of charge”.

2590 €
Understanding the target country and its characteristics
Individual or in-company training
Adapting to the social and cultural environment

Our Expatriation course introduces you to the host country, its culture, its values, its history and gives you the keys to understanding how to interact on a daily basis, both professionally and personally.

Return from Expatriation
2590 €
Managing cultural counter-shock
Individual training
Taking stock of your expatriate experience

International mobility is a strategic issue for companies as well as for their employees. International mobility is not only an economic lever, a growth accelerator for companies, it is also a career gas pedal for the talents of these companies or organizations! Indeed, it is by moving to another country, changing continents and cultures that employees acquire new skills.

A tous les professionnels / directeurs RH, mobilité, L&D voulant réussir leur expatriation et développer leur agilité culturelle / celles de leurs collaborateurs

Réservez votre appel stratégique OFFERT (30 minutes)

Frédéric Dubois / Country Sales Manager CERAN France

Et je vous aiderai à :

  • Éclaircir vos incertitudes, vous guider à travers les défis interculturels et déterminer la meilleure approche pour vous afin de surmonter vos barrières culturelles / celles de vos équipes internationales.
  • Élaborer un plan clair pour vous sortir des cycles d’incompréhension culturelle, afin que vous puissiez optimiser la collaboration et votre productivité / celles de votre équipe.
  • Décider si nous sommes le bon partenaire, en découvrant notre méthode sur-mesure validée par des clients français internationaux (leader mondial cosmétique, entreprises CAC40) pour maîtriser vos compétences interculturelles et renforcer la cohésion d’équipe.

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