Home > Our training venues
Through its presence in Europe, the CERAN Group provides you with a wide choice of destinations and venues. Whether it's a château in the country and its grounds, a mountainside chalet or a location in the city, the choice is yours. Our venues, our houses are tailored to different types of training, residential or day courses, and to different Learners, Executives, Young Adults or Juniors.
All of the CERAN teams have just one mission: to help you achieve the goals you've set yourself whilst providing you with a unique human experience in unrivalled locations!
A European presence
The CERAN adventure began in Belgium, in Spa to be precise, where Monique & René Bastin settled down and founded CERAN on their return from a long stint abroad in Burundi. CERAN, Centre d’Etude et de Rencontre à Nivezé (Centre for Studies and Encounters at Nivezé) continued to grow in Belgium and then export its knowledge to other neighbouring countries. This European expansion accelerated when CERAN joined the Châteauform’ Group in 2019. Although Châteauform’s Learning Lab & and the Château de Méry in France and the Chalet de Champéry in Switzerland are houses devoted to hosting CERAN Learners, other group houses also have the pleasure of hosting them.